An author of myths

  • Post category:ExhibitionText
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Joe Neill is a magicien from a cosmic universe whose center rotates on itself. It is at the heart of an illogical world that is governed by laws that he himself invents over and again in order to manipulate all of its possible contradictions.
 Bernard Point.

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How to understand the world and the universe

  • Post category:ExhibitionText
  • Reading time:4 mins read

One never tires of looking at Joe Neill's configurations of space and color. The flourishes provided by his drawings, as well as by the little spheres, are something like a signature. As clear a metaphor as an old-fashioned artist's palette, these flourishes say: this may at times look like something else, but it is at all times art, and art of a high order. Cynthia Nadelman

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